home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 sys700
- 20 .opt oo
- 30 *=$7000
- 40 poi = $fb
- 50 chrout = $ffd2
- 99 ;-----------------------------------
- 100 jsr param ;1=commie 2,3,4,5=epson
- 110 tya
- 120 beq hop120 ;error
- 130 cmp #6
- 140 bcs hop120 ;error
- 150 cmp #1
- 160 beq hop160
- 170 sta epson25 ;save for sendctrl type
- 180 jmp doepson
- 190 hop160 jmp docommie
- 195 hop120 rts ;exit if # out of range
- 200 ;----------------------------------
- 210 param = * ;get parameter from basic
- 220 jsr $aefd
- 230 jsr $ad9e
- 240 jmp $b7f7 ;a=hb y=lb
- 300 ;----------------------------------
- 310 grab = * ;get byte at x0-39 y0-199
- 320 stx tempxdg
- 330 sty tempydg ;save these
- 340 lda #0
- 350 sta poi+1 ;hb=0
- 360 tya
- 370 and #%11111000 ;8*int(y/8)
- 380 asl:rol poi+1 ;*16
- 390 asl:rol poi+1 ;*32
- 400 asl:rol poi+1 ;*64
- 410 sta poi
- 420 sta templ64 ;(needed for *320 calc)
- 430 lda poi+1
- 440 sta temph64
- 450 asl poi:rol poi+1 ;*128
- 460 asl poi:rol poi+1 ;*256
- 470 clc
- 480 lda poi
- 490 adc templ64
- 500 sta poi ;add *256 & *64 to get *320
- 510 lda poi+1
- 520 adc temph64
- 530 sta poi+1
- 540 txa
- 550 asl:asl:asl ;8*cellx
- 560 php ;save if cellx>=32 status
- 570 clc
- 580 adc poi
- 590 sta poi ;add it
- 600 lda poi+1
- 605 adc #>8192 ;add bitmap's hb!
- 610 sta poi+1
- 620 plp
- 630 bcc hop630
- 640 inc poi+1 ;inc hb if cellx>=32
- 650 hop630 tya
- 660 and #7 ;add y and 7
- 670 clc
- 680 adc poi
- 690 sta poi
- 700 bcc hop700
- 705 inc poi+1
- 710 hop700 ldy #0
- 720 lda (poi),y ;*** get byte !!! ***
- 730 ldx tempxdg
- 740 ldy tempydg ;restore these
- 750 rts
- 800 ;----------------------------------
- 810 dorow1 = * ;do left 4 bits of col
- 820 ldy #199
- 830 lup920 jsr grab ;get byte
- 840 lsr:lsr:lsr:lsr
- 850 tay
- 860 lda fatline,y ;get byte for printer
- 870 jsr chrout ;and send it twice
- 875 jsr chrout
- 880 ldx tempxdg
- 890 ldy tempydg
- 900 dey
- 910 cpy #255 ;done column"?
- 920 bne lup920
- 930 rts
- 1000 ;[171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171]
- 1010 d[176]ow2 [178] [172] ;do right 4 bits of col
- 1020 ldy #199
- 1030 lup1120 jsr grab ;[161] byte
- 1040 [175] #15
- 1050 tay
- 1060 lda fatline,y ;[161] [153]er byte
- 1070 jsr chrout ;[175] s[128] it twice
- 1075 jsr chrout
- 1080 ldx tempxdg
- 1090 ldy tempydg
- 1100 dey
- 1110 cpy #255 ;d[145]e column"?
- 1120 bne lup1120
- 1130 rts
- 1200 ;---------------------------------
- 1210 sendctrl = * ;send control codes
- 1212 txa:pha
- 1220 ldx epson25 ;which driver 2-5"?
- 1230 ldy drivers[171]2,x ;(offsets)
- 1240 lup1280 lda allcodes,y
- 1250 beq hop1250
- 1260 jsr chrout ;s[128] [154]rol codes...
- 1270 iny
- 1280 jmp lup1280
- 1290 hop1250 pla:tax
- 1295 rts
- 1500 ;[171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171]
- 1510 doeps[145] [178] [172] ;[153] bitmap [145] eps[145]
- 1520 ldx #0
- 1530 lup1630 jsr s[128]ctrl ;graphics [145]
- 1540 jsr d[176]ow1 ;left 1[173]2 of column
- 1550 lda #13
- 1560 jsr chrout
- 1570 jsr s[128]ctrl ;graphics [145]
- 1580 jsr d[176]ow2 ;right 1[173]2 of column
- 1590 lda #13
- 1600 jsr chrout
- 1610 inx
- 1620 cpx #40 ;d[145]e entire screen"?
- 1630 bne lup1630
- 1640 rts
- 2000 ;---------------------------------
- 2010 docommie = * ;print bitmap on c=
- 2020 lda #0
- 2030 sta cur7pinx ;horiz b'map counter
- 2040 sta cur7pinx+1
- 2050 sta flip7pin ;if bit7 then pin 7 is single (else 1 is)
- 2100 lup2260 jsr column7 ;*** send column ***
- 2110 lda flip7pinx
- 2120 asl
- 2130 lda #3 ;add 3 or 4 to curpinx
- 2140 adc cur7pinx
- 2150 sta cur7pinx
- 2160 bcc hop2160
- 2170 inc cur7pinx+1
- 2180 hop2160 lda flip7pin
- 2190 eor #128 ;toggle pattern (1122334 to 1223344)
- 2200 sta flip7pin
- 2210 sec
- 2220 lda cur7pinx ;check if bitmap done
- 2230 sbc #<320
- 2240 lda cur7pinx+1
- 2250 sbc #>320
- 2260 bcc lup2260
- 2270 rts
- 2400 ;---------------------------------
- 2410 bytefor7 = * ;get byte from bitmap
- 2420 lda #7
- 2430 sta bitstodo ;7 bits for 7 pins
- 2440 lda cur7pinx
- 2450 sta peekx
- 2460 lda cur7pinx+1 ;for chekpeek
- 2470 sta peekx+1
- 2480 lda #0
- 2490 sta rorthis ;work byte
- 2500 lup2540 jsr chekpeek ;check bit
- 2510 ror rorthis
- 2520 jsr advance
- 2530 dec bitstodo ;done all"?
- 2540 bne lup2540
- 2550 sec
- 2560 r[176] r[176]this ;set bit 7 (c[178] [153]ers need this!)
- 2570 rts
- 2600 ;[171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171]
- 2610 advance [178] [172] ;inc [194]x properly
- 2620 bit flip7pin
- 2630 bmi hop2630 ;pattern [129] bit pairs
- 2640 lda bits[164]do
- 2650 lsr
- 2660 bcc hop2660
- 2670 rts
- 2700 hop2630 lda bits[164]do
- 2710 lsr
- 2720 bcs hop2660
- 2730 rts
- 2800 hop2660 inc [194]x
- 2810 bne hop2810
- 2820 inc [194]x[170]1
- 2830 hop2810 rts
- 2900 ;[171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171]
- 2910 s[128]ctr7 [178] [172] ;s[128] ctrlcodes [129] 7
- 2920 ldx #0
- 2930 lup2970 lda ctrl[129]7,x
- 2940 beq hop2940
- 2950 jsr chrout
- 2960 inx
- 2970 jmp lup2970
- 2980 hop2940 rts
- 3000 ;[171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171][171]
- 3010 column7 [178] [172] ;s[128] column [129] 7[171]pin
- 3020 jsr s[128]ctr7 ;graphic [145]
- 3030 lda #199
- 3040 sta [194]y
- 3050 lup3120 jsr byte[129]7 ;[161] byte
- 3060 lda r[176]this
- 3070 jsr chrout ;s[128] it twice
- 3080 jsr chrout
- 3090 dec [194]y
- 3100 lda [194]y
- 3110 cmp #255 ;d[145]e column"?
- 3120 bne lup3120
- 3130 lda #13 ;send carriage return
- 3140 jmp chrout ;(& rts)
- 3200 ;---------------------------------
- 3210 chekpeek = * ;sends bit-state @peekx/y back in carry
- 3220 lda #0
- 3230 sta poi+1 ;hb;0
- 3240 lda peeky
- 3250 lsr:lsr:lsr ;int (y/8)
- 3260 sta poi ;(save *1)
- 3270 asl:asl ;*4
- 3280 clc
- 3290 adc poi
- 3300 sta poi ;*5
- 3310 ldy #6
- 3320 lup3350 asl poi ;*10,*20,*40,*80,*160,*320
- 3330 rol poi+1
- 3340 dey
- 3350 bne lup3350
- 3360 clc
- 3370 lda peekx
- 3380 and #%11111000 ;8*int(x/8)
- 3390 adc poi
- 3400 sta poi
- 3410 lda poi+1
- 3420 adc peekx+1 ;hb ok as is
- 3430 sta poi+1
- 3440 clc
- 3450 lda peeky
- 3460 and #7
- 3470 adc poi ;(y and 7 for within cell)
- 3480 sta poi
- 3490 lda poi+1
- 3500 adc #>8192 ;add bitmap's hb
- 3510 sta poi+1
- 3520 lda peekx
- 3530 and #7 ;ready bit mask
- 3540 tax
- 3550 ldy #0
- 3560 lda (poi),y
- 3570 and bitmasks,x
- 3580 php ;*** save possible result ***
- 3590 sec
- 3600 lda peekx
- 3610 sbc #<320
- 3620 lda peekx+1
- 3630 sbc #>320
- 3640 bcc hop3640 ;ok - is in range
- 3650 plp
- 3660 clc ;out or range = always clear!
- 3670 rts
- 3700 hop3640 plp
- 3710 beq hop3710
- 3720 sec ;in range and set
- 3730 rts
- 3750 hop3710 clc ;in range and clear
- 3760 rts
- 5000 ;---------------------------------
- 5010 tempxdg .byte 0
- 5020 tempydg .byte 0
- 5030 templ64 .byte 0
- 5040 temph64 .byte 0
- 5050 epson25 .byte 0
- 5100 fatline = * ;double width nybbles!
- 5110 .byte %00000000
- 5120 .byte %00000011
- 5130 .byte %00001100
- 5140 .byte %00001111
- 5150 .byte %00110000
- 5160 .byte %00110011
- 5170 .byte %00111100
- 5180 .byte %00111111
- 5210 .byte %11000000
- 5220 .byte %11000011
- 5230 .byte %11001100
- 5240 .byte %11001111
- 5250 .byte %11110000
- 5260 .byte %11110011
- 5270 .byte %11111100
- 5280 .byte %11111111
- 5300 allcodes = * ;4 printer drivers
- 5310 d2 .byte 32,32,32,32,32,32,27,49,27,75,<400,>400,0
- 5320 d3 .byte 32,32,32,32,32,32,27,49,27,203,<400,>400,0
- 5330 d4 .byte 32,32,32,32,32,32,27,65,8,27,75,<400,>400,0
- 5340 d5 .byte 32,32,32,32,32,32,27,193,8,27,203,<400,>400,0
- 5350 drivers .byte d2-allcodes,d3-allcodes,d4-allcodes,d5-allcodes ;offsets
- 6000 ;---------------------------------
- 6010 peekx .byte 0,0
- 6020 peeky .byte 0
- 6030 cur7pinx .byte 0,0
- 6040 flip7pin .byte 0
- 6050 rorthis .byte 0
- 6060 bitstodo .byte 0
- 6200 bitmasks .byte 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 ;for chekpeek
- 6210 ctrlfor7 .byte 15,32,32,32,32,32,32,8,0 ;for 7-pin
- 63000 ;--------------------------------
- 63998 .end:end
- 63999 a$="psf.charter 2":open15,8,15,"s0:"+a$:close15:savea$,8